Monday, May 09, 2005

Summer Vaca Begins...

I am finally home in good old NJ! It is so nice to be on vacation....I had completely forgotten what "free time" is....interesting.

So I'm very not good at this blogging thing because I feel like I"m talking to myself, but what can I say, I want to be just like all those cool BC seniors who are graduating in a week! :( But this blog will also be helpful for me to remember and tell everyone else what happens at my internship which I start in a week and two days! wow.

So stay tuned....more liz's summer is on the way....

(sad that i miss county line already, hehe)

1 comment:

Laura K. said...

We're Live...We're local...The County Line Starts Now. Well, not really, but WC is gonna be on KDKA tonight because of the rapist that they caught who was going thru Kirstan's underwear...

The News never stops...