Sunday, August 07, 2005

And I'm done...

My internship is officially over! I can't believe it went by so quickly--it's only been over a week and I miss it so much already!

My last couple of weeks were very busy. I tried to suck everything out of that place that I could! Contacts, reference letters, and even a resume tape. I got to sit in (for many hours) with a real editor and she helped be put together a resume tape. It's not so much of a formal tape because I don't think its quite in the right format, but it was a good way for me to get some examples of my on-air work to show people before I left--this was all at the suggestion of the top dog--the exec producer. When I showed her my tape, she told me (kind of like a warning!) that she was going to tell me the truth and be completely honest, which is exactly what I wanted. So when I showed it to her, I prepared myself to be bashed--but except for a few formating details she said could be changed, she said that it was good--and that I should send it out! She was so helpful and I am so impressed with the amount of time she took for me. I also got to show it to Lester Holt. He gave me a few tips, but also said that it was really good and that most of the things I need to work on will just come with time and experience! I see what I need to work on and I have a whole bunch of tips and ideas from some great professionals to help me to improve! I'm very excited that I got to show them my tape.

I also got to speak with Bob Dotson my last week. If you don't know him, he's a national correspondant for NBC. He's amazing. His packages are so enthralling and moving--he's just an amazing story teller. I've realized that I want to do what he does--tell the human interest, real stories. But I really need to work on my writing, so I'm glad I'm taking broadcast journalism this year. It's all about the writing. He gave me a copy of his book which has some great tips (Mr. Weaver, I think you'll like this book--its got a lot of things you mention in it too.) I was so psyched to meet him--he's a great guy too!

So now I'm trying to put together everything I learned this summer so that I don't forget anythign I've learned. And I'm thinking about where I want to intern next summer--I'm trying to set up a meeting in the next couple of weeks with an affiliate in VA by where my grandparents live since I'll be down there anyway.

So much to think about and so much to do!

1 comment:

Laura K. said...

sounds awesome liz! way to be!