Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Ann Curry to Africa

What is the point of journalism? Why does anyone put themselves into this highly criticized, ridiculously houred, insane business? There's got to be some point to it. I'm sure it's different for everyone, but for me, I want to help people with my journalism. I want to do more than just shove mics in peoples' faces. I want to be able to bring these important issues to the people's attention.

Of course I'm partial to the Today Show, but Ann Curry has been doing some really interesting reporting this week. She went to Chad and Darfur, Sudan in Africa. People in America don't know enough about what's going on over there. We hear plenty about the war in Iraq or issues with Iran, but what about the rest of the world? Maybe if people are more aware of what's actually going on around the world, they'll be more inclined to do their part to help out. It could lead to better funding in those areas, or changes in our own government that provoke our leaders to help out.

I am so interested in following Ann's story and what she discovered while in Africa. While I'm sure there will be many who criticize how she's doing this or what all she got while she was over there, but you can't deny that she's at least bringing the topic to the attention of many Americans who might not have been exposed to it otherwise.

That is what I want to do.


Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

I think citizen journalism and the Internet (weblogs, etc.) will promote more of this. Instead of being a profitable arm of a large, multinational corporation journalists should take on the establishment, question authority and stand up for the little guy and promote change for the wrongs in the world.

Kirstan Gides :) said...

HAHA!!! Miss ya girlie! I can't wait to start up with MegaBeast Monday's again! How's New Jersey and Bon Jovi?!?!? I'm sure as fine as ever haha! Let me know how you are and what you are up to. I'm sure you are rocking it out like always....

Kirstan :)

Kirstan Gides :) said...

Hey girl! I heard a little rumor that you are interning this fall. Awesome! BUT I'm gonna miss my MegaBeast :(