Tuesday, March 14, 2006

My Broadcasting Future

I've been on post-college overload so far this spring break and I haven't even been home that long. I went into NYC with my cousin who was interviewing for real jobs (since she's a senior this year). And I got to see the fabulous Pat Sandora who is nearing the end of his year in the page program. Everyone is talking about the future and what you'll be doing later in life. I am only a junior yet I'm already feeling the stress of finding a job!

After my NBC internship last summer, I've realized how intense the business can be and how important connections are. So my main thing is trying to keep those connections that I've already made, since I made them a full 2 years before I'd be able to actually get a job.

But one thing that does worry me a bit is being too specific (if that makes sense). Everyone I'm talking to, whether into broadcasting things or not, keeps saying how you'll end up changing jobs and careers over and over again. But then I wonder if I'm being too selective with my broadcasting. Is it too narrow minded to leave college with the dream of being one specific thing? I think that either way, it's obviously not a bad idea to keep an open mind.

1 comment:

Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

You're experience, education & degree are TRANFERABLE to multiple domains. But the strength comes from the experiential, the journey, the ability to present solutions to problems, knowing all parts of the whole and how to manage and contribute. Think about how valuable that is to an employer or how powerful it can be to you if you become the boss or your own boss.