Tuesday, July 19, 2005

The Perks...

So last night I went into the city (on my day off) with my sister. One of the producers from the show gave me a free pass to an early showing of The Island. It really comes out on Friday, but media people can go see it earlier (obviously cuz the movie folk want the media folk to do a story on it and stuff like that). So anyways, the movie rocked and I was listening in to conversations of people around us before the movie started and they were sooo other media people. It was nice to go into the city and not have to go to work.

I was ablt to meet with the exec producer to talk about what I should be doing for the rest of my internship and even after I'm done there. She gave me some really good ideas and was so nice and helpful. It surprises me sometimes how great all the people here have been, seeing as how its such a big time place and they could easily brush the interns off.

So I'm down to two weeks of my internship. It's crunch time now, and I"m going to try to suck everything I can out of this!


Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

Was the movie any good?

Laura K. said...


Pat Sandora said...

wanna see Destiny's Child with me next Friday?

Hello, perks!