Thursday, October 06, 2005

Sweaters instead of Button Downs...

Tonight was such a good show! Amanda and I anchored...and chose to wear sweaters instead of the blah boring button downs we all usually wear. And what a good idea. Amanda's green was fabulous! Our scripts were ready so early today which just makes a world of difference. Jolene was a GREAT producer who made things much easier with getting the rundown out early. Graphics? great. sports? AWESOME!! (omg, the DJ package was absolutely the best work I have ever seen in my life.....and i'm not just talking about the speedo!!)

Then after the show we had a good post-show meeting. The newbies are really doing well, with I think it was 2 packages from them this week! That's awesome...definitly helps the older people from having to do too much. So yay. And also after the show Mike let me do some radio PSAs which is so much fun.

And you know what? I love when I leave the station and just think to myself, my gosh, I love this stuff. It really is the best and worth all the time and effort that I put into it. I heart broadcasting.

OH! I got to talk to Tandi too! She called the newsroom when I was getting ready for the show so we didn't get to chat for long, but man I miss her! Its so hard to let go of those seniors! <>


1 comment:

Laura K. said...

haha nice! weav wouldnt let us stray from the button downs....we tried...