Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Last week in broadcasting...

This past week at my internship, I was super busy. I had a bunch of producers coming to me for help with various projects. The tasks I’ve been doing lately are pretty simple—logging, transcribing, etc. But I try to look at these tasks as if they were part of my own project or story. For example, I was transcribing this one interview on Friday and I have to say, I got completely excited to see the final project! I talked with the producer a bit about keeping me in the loop with her scripts and stuff because I can’t wait to see how she puts it together. The interviewee was magnetic—such a good speaker, so there were plenty of bites that could be used. And it’s also interesting to see the b-roll (cover shots) that the camera man decided to take. He was obviously listening to what was said in the interview because the shots he took afterwards correlated with that. (Which is just what Mr. Weaver is always telling us to do!) So even though my responsibilities might not always be important, I’m getting to be an observer to see how the professionals do it. And just so I feel like I’m doing something towards my own career, I’ve been showing my resume tape around the office to various people (the EP, an anchor, a news reader, etc.) They’ve been able to give me some great feed back and I feel that by showing them my tape, I’m establishing myself as a serious future reporter, instead of just another intern.

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