Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Christmas Came Early this year...

So I was ridiculously excited about election day. Oh how I love days dedicated to civic duty--and expanded news coverage!

I really need my own video camera because I had such an opportunity for a great little package. I helped my mom take a class from her preschool on a walk a few blocks from the school to a polling location to watch us vote! It was so funny to hear what the kids thought about the election, especially since most of them thought George Washington is our president. But point of the story is, it could have made a great package and I could hear and see every piece of it!

And this is clearly not something I should be publicly admiting, but, as if election day wasn't exciting enough, Britney Spears gets divorced on the same day?? I'm so excited! It's like Christmas came a month early. I know, that's pretty terrible to say, so I'll limit my comments on it. But it deserves a major "You Go Girl!"

Okay back to seriousness. I had three goals for this week (see my previous post.) I've done 2 out of 3. On Friday I'm meeting with the head of the page program, just to get some more info from him and such. And I've started working on some of an outline for my senior project. I just have to work a bit on my alum project next. I've also been adding to my list of future places of employment. I've been searching for various other news-like outlets where I might want to work some day. I like having a whole list of possibilities to search through, because I feel like it helps me narrow down exactly what it is I want to do.


Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

That's a great idea for a story.

Don't forget you can always use cell phones, DV cams, etc., to try and tell stories. I did with Tess this summer when we were trapped on a ride at Kennywood.

Kirstan Gides :) said...

Hey girl! I do think it is funny that we have the same obsession lol....BUT... I mean he is a FANTASTIC role model, and the same night I "married him," you broke his front I'm pretty sure we'll all have a pretty strong bond lol... Anyhow, as much as I would like to stay in this small town, I need to be done in, that means you need to make a visit for Megabeast Mondays, as well as to see me before I leave! LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!

Kirstan :)