Saturday, November 04, 2006

Legendary Capstoner Patrick Sandora!

This is not at all a shocker, I’m sure. I’ve decided to review Pat Sandora’s blog. I feel like I have been following in his footsteps since I got to Westminster. The first thing I remember about him is seeing him and Tandi do crazy stuff On The Road for The County Line my freshman year. He was absolutely magnetic on screen. Behind the scenes, he was a go-getter who meant business, but still knew how to have a blast. We made an amazing County Line/Titan Radio anchor team, if I may say so myself. We both went to NBC in NYC at the same time last summer (him as a Page and me as an intern) and we’re both back there again (him as a real live employee and me as an intern yet again). I admire him so much and, looking back into his old blogs, I’m reminded why.

Pat didn’t always know what he wanted to do and, from speaking with him recently, I believe he’s still not absolutely sure. But something that I admire about him is that he doesn’t seem scared about that. He’s open to new possibilities and goes for what he wants. Back in 2004, he had an internship with WBUT. It didn’t turn out to be what he expected—so he quit. He wanted to focus on things that made him happy at the moment, which I think is an incredibly strong, smart thing to do.

Since he didn’t know exactly what he wanted to do, he prepared for everything. During his senior year, he was working on resume tapes and things for many different positions: reporter, producer, radio, television. And he tried to get feedback on his tapes from anyone he could. He updated his progress with all of this on his blog.

After looking at Pat’s old blogs, I realize even more how useful the blog can be. It’s a great place to organize your broadcasting efforts and achievements. Also, it’s another way to get your name on the internet (in a good, PG-rated way ;)). This way, future employers can Google you and get to the blog to see all your achievments right there! (Which also means you have to be so careful with what you say.) So I think I need to do more with my blog. Yet again, I want to be like Pat and make my blog what he made his during his senior year.

This blog is too long already and trust me, I could go on about Pat, but I’ll spare you. All in all, I think he probably got a lot out of his capstone experience for one simple reason: he put a whole lot into it. Pat Sandora goes full steam into everything he does and that’s what gets him to the top.

Hopefully, I can continue to follow in his footsteps—cuz he’s got some fabulous feet to follow.


Pat Sandora said...

You're my hero. And you're a better broadcaster than I am! Keep killin' 'em!

Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

When's Pat launching his own syndicated show?