Monday, September 25, 2006

Proud to be in love with school

I am pretty much obsessed with college and Westminster itself. I’m one of those people who can’t wait to schedule classes and buy books and get that first homework assignment! Oh I get excited just talking about it. So to choose just a couple of classes that influenced me is quite a challenge. But hey, I’m up for it…

Non-Broadcasting Classes
I have had very few bad classes while at Westminster. But my all time favorite non-broadcasting classes were always political science classes. The best of them—International Politics. This class changed the way I viewed the world. It got me interested in travel and global politics. I was (and am still) fascinated by other cultures, international interaction, the United Nation, etc. It made me want to take more poli-sci classes and it lead me to take Government of Developing Countries, which really is just as much my favorite class as International Politics was. These classes showed me the direction I want to take my broadcasting in. I want to use those skills to raise awareness about people in foreign countries who could really use our help. It’s absolutely incredible to realize just how much we have as Americans—especially compared to most other nations of the world. What good is all of that if we don’t try to use it to help others?

#1 (non BC) Teacher
Easy. Dr. Grove. Without any doubt. I am fascinated by this woman and was totally crushed when she left WC for California. I would be completely satisfied to take all Dr. Grove classes, though she’s not an easy teacher. In fact, I have never done so much work in my entire life than I did in her classes. But I’ve also never been so interested and inspired. She has so much passion on the topic of international politics that I think it’s impossible to not become passionate yourself. Passion about your subject is key to good teachers. I don’t know what else to say about her, because she was just amazing and California is so lucky to have her.

Broadcasting Class
This one was really hard to choose. My BC classes are always my favorite classes of the semester. But since I have to choose, I think I’d pick Broadcast Journalism II. I feel like during this class I worked the most on improving my storytelling. It was all about learning how to choose the right topic, the right angle, get the right vids, and write the best story. It was really beneficial to me to write scripts and have Mr. Weaver rip them up so I could fix them. Eventually, towards the end of the semester, I finally started to feel like I was understanding how to tell a conversational, to-the-point, yet memorable, story. The class was great practice, but I still need a lot more experience. Storytelling is my very favorite part of broadcasting. I can’t wait to get back to it.


Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

I hope Dr. Gove finds your blog.

Brad Weaver, BC Instructor said...

I'm also glad to hear hitting the writing hard helped. Writing will also remain central in this business.